Goals For The New Dance Term



The new dance term is back with a vengeance for all students out there. Whether it is online or in the studio, the ‘back to school’ feeling has truly settled and dance students should now be hitting into their new term of classes. Many students like to set themselves personal goals for the term or year ahead, something to aim towards and set their sights on for their own sense of achievement. 


Goals can be anything from being able to split on both legs, to learning a new variation. Goals do not necessarily have to be measurable, they can be overcoming a worry about a certain step or routine. Alternatively, a goal can be specifically measurable, such as nailing a clean triple pirouette! With new faces in class and new material from your teachers, goals are usually personal and worked on in your own time when you are practising. 


More than one goal can often split your focus, so empower yourself as a dancer - you may find it more productive to work on completing one goal at a time. Use your knowledge and technique to inform your improvements, and remember the process you went through to accomplish previous goals and overcome challenges. Don't forget your successes and the feeing of accomplishment, as this will help to visualise overcoming your current goal. Confidence is also an important factor in bettering your dance technique. 


When working towards your goal make sure you are patient, and have the determination to see the process through. Impatience may mean you become easily frustrated and give up too soon before you have achieved your goal. Challenge yourself but don't load yourself too heavily; your goal may be scary but it should not be overwhelming. Be confident in your ability and it may help to keep a journal of your corrections and improvements in order to re-emphasise them so you can move forward.